Photo Series

Inspirational Photographers:

Scott Ableman

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Justin Kern

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A photo series that began as a study on framing quickly became a study on duality. Each picture juxtaposes with the picture next to it. They coexist and counter each other. Each picture would be far less meaningful without its counterpart. The Kuleshov effect describes this phenomenon in the film world (seen here in photography). It has been defined as, “making viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation.” Images like the feathers in the snow and the canadian geese counter and compliment each other in countless ways. The feathers for example could symbolize death and stillness. The geese on the other hand show motion and life. There are many photographical elements that also take part in these images. Opposing types of framing, for example, can be seen in every pair. Negative space in one picture compliments a filled picture in it’s opposite and opposing picture. The seed pod seen in the first picture shows nature in it’s simplest form and is framed by the openness of the white snow. The tire however shows man’s intrusion into nature and the tire really frames the nature. I would like to leave it up to the viewer to derive meaning from these photo pairs.

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